Wednesday 8 May 2013

Some of the Worst Court Decisions in History

One might think the legal system in most western countries is perfect, but in reality, they are not. Big cases that spurned public sensationalism were met with great expert criticism because of the worse calls in court history. Here is a list of them.

1.     Tina Bennis Vs. The State of Michigan
In this case, Tina Bennis and her husband owned a vehicle where Tina’s husband employed the services of a prostitute. The government captured the vehicle as a public nuisance and the court ruled that the government could take Tina Bennis’ property without due process or appeal, even if she didn’t know her husband used her property in such a way.

2.     Home Building and Loan vs. Blaisdell
The Court created the Emergency Exceptions Doctrine that the government could interfere in private contracts because of the severe effects of the Great Economic Depression in the early 1930’s.

3.     Grutter vs. Bolinger
Sandra Day O’Connor challenged the University of Michigan Law School and their interest to promote class diversity that justified a series of racial preferences. Grutter gave action supporters a clear road map to evade Bakke and continue to discriminate prosective students based on skin color.

4.     Griswold Vs. Connecticut
The court rejected a law that prohibits the use of contraceptives, but created a Right to Privacy. The interpretation of the Constitution stemmed from the Court’s apparent desire to disable Connecticut Legislature-passed laws without limiting the Conneticut Legislature’s government authority.

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