Friday, 12 August 2016

Legal Challenge Against Brexit Involves Ulster Volunteer Force Victims

Raymond McCord did not receive the news of Brexit quite well, I believe.

Currently, Mr McCord is seeking a judicial review that would allow him to challenge the decision over Brexit as it would impact the benefits he receives from the European Union.

Mr McCord's son Raymond Jr was beaten to death by the Ulster Volunteer Force in 1997 while they lived in Belfast. The 'Troubles' had many human rights victims that the EU supports under a collective ruling.

The support from the EU could be altered once the United Kingdom leaves the European Union officially in a few years.

According to his lawyer:

"As a victim of the most recent conflict in Northern Ireland, Mr McCord is very concerned about the profoundly damaging effect that a unilateral withdrawal of the UK from the EU will have upon the ongoing relative stability in Northern Ireland."

His legal team claim it would be unlawful to begin the formal process of the UK leaving the EU without a parliamentary vote.

They also claim it could undermine the UK's treaty obligations under the 1998 Good Friday Agreement and the peace process.

It is also one of the first types of challenge to come out from Northern Ireland in light of Brexit.