The new amends on foxhunting in England and Wales
faces fire against animal welfare activists with several British celebrities including
Ricky Gervais, Morrissey, Sadie Frost and Stella McCartney. The celebrities had
called on MPs to keep th foxhunting ban intact.
The Scottish National Party also condemns the proposed
amends in the foxhunting law as they vote against an issue not directly involving
Scotland. The SNP is to join the Labour Party to rally against Tory MPs considering
the amends.
SNP Westminster Leader Angus Robertson said the party
is trying to send a clear message to the "arrogant" Government as
disputes continue over proposals to hand MPs south of the border a veto over
English-only law.
Robertson explained the SNP's decision to vote against
the issue:
"We totally oppose fox hunting, and when there
are moves in the Scottish Parliament to review whether the existing Scottish
ban is strong enough, it is in the Scottish interest to maintain the existing
ban in England and Wales for Holyrood to consider," he said.
"We are in a situation where the Tory government
are refusing to agree to any amendments to improve the Scotland Bill - which
are supported by 58 of Scotland's 59 MPs - and imposing English Votes for
English Laws to make Scotland's representation at Westminster second class.
"In these circumstances, it is right and proper
on fox hunting by voting with Labour against the Tories' proposals to relax the
ban - in the process, reminding an arrogant UK government of just how slender
their majority is - just as we will vote against the Tory welfare cuts next
week, and appeal to Labour to join us."
Campaigners worry about the proposed changes to the
Hunting Act to bring England and Wales into line with Scotland as it intends to
make use of dogs to flush out sport.
Fox hunting with dogs is illegal across Britain and
only legal in England if only two dogs are used to flush out the target. In
Scotland, an unlimited number of dogs could be used.
Celebrities such as Queen Guitarist Brian will rally
with others outside Parliament as their "Team Fox" Coalition of
animal welfare groups will continue to urge the MPs to keep the ban intact.